Baby Oil Instrumental by John Belt




Baby Oil Instrumental is one of our most popular and peaceful instrumentals. The adults like it just as much as the babies! The entire idea behind this album is that when you put it in the babies rest as the music plays. This has been used very successfully in many place to usher in an atmosphere of peace. If you know anyone who has a baby this is a great gift!

  • Over 1 Hour of non-stop backdrop music (without breaks) for prayer and worship
  • Use to Create Atmosphere for God’s Presence at Home or on the Road
  • Find Refreshing, Rest and Peace to Quiet the Noise of the Soul
  • Learn Sensitivity to the Presence of God by Association of Sound and Prayer
  • Flowing Anointed Melodies
  • Spontaneous Orchestrations
  • Holy Spirit Inspired

I searched and searched! by Clarie Marie B.
I searched and searched to find the CD! I had bought it at a conference I had attended in Knoxville years ago. I’ve given many copies of it to new mothers for their babies rooms! It is a wonderful gift especially for moms who don’t yet know Jesus! What a creative way for the Lord’s anointing to invade homes with HIS GLORY!

No More Bad Dreams by Anne (age 4)
When you play that music (Baby Oil Instrumental), I can sleep and I don’t have bad dreams anymore (abandoned by her mother, as told to her daycare provider.)

This One is Mine! by Marlene G.
You were right! This music is wonderful…but now I have to buy another copy for my grandaughter …this one is mine!

Baby Stops Screaming! by Patty P
As soon as I play Baby Oil in my car, the baby stops screaming, I wouldn’t have believed it! It makes me feel better in traffic too.

Included Products

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